Vitilact Combo (100 ml lotion & 60 capsules) Ayurvedic, powerful & trusted formulation for faster and effective repigmentation of white patches (Vitilgo) -

Vitilact Combo (100 ml lotion & 60 capsules) Ayurvedic, powerful & trusted formulation for faster and effective repigmentation of white patches (Vitilgo)

Original price was: ₹1,800.00.Current price is: ₹1,530.00.

Vitilgo also known as Leucoderma, safed daag, fuleri etc. is a disease that causes loss of skin colour in patches. The discolored areas usually get bigger with time. The condition can effect on any part of the body. It can also affect hair and inside of mouth. The white patches usually appear symmetrically on both sides of your body such as on both hands or both knees.

How does Vitilact work?
Vitilact is formulated and developed by DR Urvashi kataria who has at very young age studied the ayurveda extensively and developed products for vitilgo, alopecia areata, psoriasis etc. vitilact trial has been done on many patients giving it orally and applying the lotion topically
Vitilact contains many time tested and effectvive ayurvedic herbs along with bakuchi and haridra
Vitilact contains proven herbs known to control vitilgo due to its kusthagna and rasayna properties which help in shrinking of white patches and its reoccurance
Vitilact capsules when consumed prevents the destruction of pigment forming cells , melanocytes due to its immunomodulatory activity.
Vitilact helps you in
1) Reduction in surface area of white skin
2) It controls itching on the affected area
3) Helps to control reoccurance of white patches
4) Helps to replace white patches with normal skin
5) No side effects
6) 100 percent ayurvedic



What Our Customers Say

What causes vitilgo—It is caused by the lack of pigment called melanin in the skin. Melanin is produced by the skin cells called melanocytes and it gives skin your colour, there are not enough working melanocytes to provide enough melanin in your skin.

There are mainly three theories about the underlying mechanism of vitilgo

  • The first theory states that the nerve endings in the skin release a chemical that is toxic to melanocytes
  • The second theory states that the melanocytes simply self distruct
  • The third theory is that vitilgo is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system targets the bodys on cells and tissues

Symptoms of Vitilgo

White patches often on hands feet arms and face

Hair which can turn white in areas where the skin is losing pigment

Mucous membrane as inside of  your mouth or nose

Leucoderma or vitilgo can affect any part of the body but pigmentation usually occurs in the areas which are prominently exposed to the sun.

  • A small white patch on the skin that may grow into large patches
  • Premature graying of hair
  • The hair on the patches become white
  • Intolerance to cold
  • The patient may suffer from mood swings or depression

People with vitilgo can develop

  • Low self esteem or poor self image
  • Inflammation or swelling in the eyes
  • Inflammation of the ear


Role of Bakuchi in Vitilgo
Bakuchi is a renowned herb with many therapeutic properties and has been extensively used by all Ayurvedic Scholars in hyperpigmentation with great success

There has been recent studies on role of bakuchi in vitilgo conducted by the DEPARTMENT OF KAYACHIKITSA Of IMS, BHU which showed followimg results

25 diagnosed cases of uncomplicated vitilgo ( white patches involving both sexes in the age group of 16 to 60 years were registered)

They were treated with herbs containing bakuchi and hartala as the major ingridients in the form of oral medicine and lepa ( lotion)as a topical application and exposed to sunlight for 10-15 minutes between 9 am to 11 am after intake and application of medicine

Area of white patches ; the study showed remarkable reduction in the surface area of white patches
Itching ; no itching, mild itching but no need of medication
Colour of patches Normal skin colour

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is leucoderma or vitilgo?

    It is a skin disease that causes loss of skin pigment melanin which is responsible for skin dark colour or original skin colour. Due to loss of melanin the skin becomes white ( often white patches seen on the skin ) this is also reffered to as vitilgo.
  • What is difference between leucoderma and vitilgo?

    Vitilgo is self generated while leucoderma can occur after a cut , burn or allergy. So one can say leucoderma is caused accidently.
  • What causes leucoderma?

    It is caused by malfunctioning of nerve endings( neurogenic )that leads to self destruction of melanocytes, which are responsible for producing melanin and melanin is responsible for original skin colour so due to loss of melanin the skin becomes white.
  • Has ayurveda cure for leucoderma?

    Yes , there are enough studies and experiments conducted by ayurvedic scholars and experts to cure leucoderma or vitilgo. They studied the role of herbs specially bakuchi when it is used in right quantity souced naturally, the lepa or lotion made has tremendous quality to cure leucoderma when used regularly.
  • Why I should use vitilact lotion and capsules?

    Vitilact lotion and capsules contain time tested ancient herbs along with bakuchi made under strict supervision of ayurveda experts which helps in repigmentation of the skin and helps to reduce the size of white patches and retain the original skin colour.
  • How I can trust vitilact lotion and combo?

    The product made from this formulation has been used by many patients suffering from leucoderma , most of them found significant reduction in the size of white patches , it helped to regain their original skin colour. It also helped to stop the itching .

Why to trust vitilact?

It is suitable for all types of skin like oily, sensitive, dry itchy, and helps to get rid of skin discoloration and white spots

SBH Vitilgo lotion is quickly absorbed  by the skin and works on visual signs of skin like white patches or spots

It is totally herbal and has no side effects

It prevents the spread of white patches


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<b>Vitilact Combo</b> (100 ml lotion & 60 capsules) Ayurvedic, powerful & trusted formulation for faster and effective repigmentation of white patches (Vitilgo)
1,800.00 Original price was: ₹1,800.00.1,530.00Current price is: ₹1,530.00.