About - sbhlifesciences.com


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SBH lifesciences is a herbal OTC company located in Chandigarh-NCR Region.
The global enterprise is launched by professionals who have a long standing experience &
expertise in pharma/herbal business.

Our Story

We as a company are dedicated towards quality health care products with a vision towards
enriching life & well being.We focus on achieving and surpassing the highest standards
quality products through environment friendly practices.

We have a wide range of herbal/dietary supplement/pharma products.We are dedicated to
manufacture and market high quality products for various diseases that improve health &
quality of our customers.

We take pride in our diverse and talented work force.We have a proficient marketing team
and strong business alliances with state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that are at
par with international standard,all this backed by a strong distribution network has placed
us amongst India’s fast growing transnational health care company.

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